download 3ds Max: Hard Surface Modeling Basics video training course
Link download Hard Surface Modeling Basics video tutorials with 3dsmax 2017
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learning 3dsmax hard surface modeling by videos
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Hard surface modeling is all about designing man-made objects: machines, vehicles, tools, weapons, and so on. Because the edges and angles are distinct and the surfaces are typically smooth, there are many opportunities to use 3ds Max’s built-in tools to make your modeling process more efficient. 3ds Max: Hard Surface Modeling Basics helps you learn the tools and techniques to model a high-poly mesh—in this case, an old deep sea diving helmet and shoulder guard—as quickly and efficiently as possible. The assets you produce as a result of this course can be used in games, product visualizations, and more. Join Joel Bradley as he shows how to set up your environment for maximum efficiency and use a variety of techniques to execute the final design, including spline modeling, welding, component modeling, extruding from primitive objects, cutting, and box modeling. Plus, learn how to use the power and flexibility of the modifier stack to refine your hard surface models.
CONTENT (2 hours 39 minutes)
├── 0. Introduction
│ ├── 1 Welcome.mp4
│ ├── 2 What you should know before watching this course.mp4
│ ├── 3 Using the exercise files.mp4
│ ├── 4 Setting up the 3ds Max project structure.mp4
│ ├── 5 A quick word on gamma and unit settings.mp4
│ └── 6 3ds Max customization tweaks.mp4
├── 1. Modeling with splines
│ ├── 1 Creating the breastplate spline.mp4
│ ├── 2 Setting up the polygon faces.mp4
│ ├── 3 Extrudes and Spherify.mp4
│ └── 4 Creating crease sets.mp4
├── 2. Creating Complex Shapes from Components
│ ├── 1 Creating a working grid.mp4
│ ├── 2 Setting up our screw component.mp4
│ ├── 3 Duplicating and welding the components.mp4
│ ├── 4 Creating the cap with good topology.mp4
│ ├── 5 Extruding the thread.mp4
│ ├── 6 Cleaning up the thread.mp4
│ ├── 7 Smoothing the thread.mp4
│ └── 8 Distribution.mp4
├── 3. Building with Primitives
│ ├── 1 Creating the base cylinders.mp4
│ ├── 2 Extruding with splines.mp4
│ ├── 3 Adding detail_ Part 1.mp4
│ ├── 4 Adding detail_ Part 2.mp4
│ ├── 5 Creating the clamp holes.mp4
│ ├── 6 Applying subdivision creasing.mp4
│ ├── 7 Screw crease fixes.mp4
│ ├── 8 Insert subdivision.mp4
│ └── 9 Valve subdivision.mp4
├── 4. Modeling with Edge Cuts
│ ├── 1 Creating the stencil.mp4
│ ├── 2 Positioning the stencil and prototyping.mp4
│ ├── 3 Making the cuts.mp4
│ ├── 4 Cleaning the topology into quads.mp4
│ ├── 5 Extruding the shapes.mp4
│ └── 6 Creating crease sets.mp4
├── 5. Box Modeling
│ ├── 1 Creating the sphere.mp4
│ ├── 2 Applying the chamfer.mp4
│ ├── 3 Adding subdivision.mp4
│ ├── 4 Creating the port guard base geometry.mp4
│ ├── 5 Adding the screw hole.mp4
│ ├── 6 Duplicating the mesh.mp4
│ ├── 7 Cutting and welding.mp4
│ ├── 8 Adding subdivision.mp4
│ └── 9 Creating subdivision creases.mp4
├── Conclusion
│ └── 1 What’s next_.mp4
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