Download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2024.001.20604 x64 full license
Link download Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2024.001.20604 win64 full
Working with Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2024.001.20604 full license
Description: Adobe Acrobat Pro DC 2024.001.20604 comes in two versions, standard and professional, with the professional version being more complete; There is also a Reader version, which, as the name suggests, is only for reading PDF files.
The development of PDF format (short for Portable Document Format) began in 1990. This format is used to present documents containing text, images and other required items in a specific and fixed format similar to a printed document. For the first time, Adobe showed its official support for this format by presenting the exclusive Acrobat software in 1993 and took an important role in its development.
Features of Adobe Acrobat Pro software:
– Installation as an extension of office software with complete settings
– The ability to combine several PDF documents together or split a document
– It has a virtual printer and the possibility of getting PDF output from any software
– Convert PDF to common image formats, HTML pages and office suite documents
– Adding a link to the text
– Ability to delete or add text, image, etc.
– Adding a template or watermark to the document
– Attaching a file to the text
– Encrypt and protect PDF documents
– Ability to search in the document
– The possibility of reducing the size of PDF documents
– Persian language support
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