Download Altair Flow Simulator 2021.1.0 Win64 full license forever
Link download Altair Flow Simulator 2021.1.0 x64 full cracked
Working with Altair Flow Simulator 2021.1.0 full
Description: Flow Simulator is an integrated fluid and gas flow, heat transfer and combustion design software that combines simulations with fidelity to optimize machine and system design.
This fluid system design tool provides interdisciplinary modeling and optimization within a single machine design platform for fluid / thermal / combustion dynamics in a 3D design environment. This tool allows users to import actual hardware and use a 3D CAD point cloud to automatically create a computational model overlaid on the hardware. An extensive library of preconfigured elements / components is available to simulate or simulate a wide range of physical phenomena, including compressible / incompressible fluid flow, buoyancy flow, rotating cavity system flow, conduction / convection / radiative heat transfer, equilibrium-equilibrium combustion and species transport. Eight combinations of analysis modes (steady state, quasi steady state and transient analysis for fluid dynamics, heat and burns) are available to predict system / subsystem operating conditions during cycle / flight simulation (flight mission, power boost, shutdown … etc). Control system components (PID controllers, direct and direct control functions) can be integrated with the computational model system / subsystem to optimize simulated machine performance during cycle / mission analysis.
Key features and benefits
Fast and accurate simulation of mixed precision (1D, 2D and 3D) flows that handle complex geometry and long transient problems. A flexible common platform that allows different teams to perform simulations in relation to their verticals and thus combine to create system models.
Modern graphical user interface with the ability to overlay / integrate 3D digital CAD with analytical models. The GUI is for design where Pre / Solver / and Post are built into one interface. Fully integrated optimization module provides the ability to quickly explore the entire design space in a 3D modeling environment; system models can be parameterized based on flow configuration, shape, size and thermal performance to achieve optimal cost-benefit patterns.
An extensive library of preconfigured elements / components using a large set of publicly available experimental data for differential pressure and heat transfer characteristics. This fully extensible platform provides customers with the ability to integrate their own IP and element formulations easily using Python scripts.
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