Bricsys Communicator For BricsCAD x64 fullk5B77kp

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Bricsys Communicator For BricsCAD full activated

Description of Bricsys Communicator For BricsCAD

Looking for a way to import or export STEP, CATIA, SLDASM and more file formats from and into BricsCAD®? Then you need the Communicator for BricsCAD. It seamlessly imports product structure geometry & PMI data from all major CAD applications.

Exchanging data with other CAD systems is a very important feature of BricsCAD! It is in our DNA to edit imported geometry with the same flexibility and parametric power as the native one.

Bricsys Communicator For BricsCAD is an optional plug-in for the Pro, Platinum, BIM, Mechanical and Ultimate editions of BricsCAD that imports and exports 3D data between major CAD formats. Its high-quality translations facilitate the re-use of 3D CAD data, improving productivity and reducing project costs.

Supported file formats:
Export (Windows)

3D PDF: .pdf

ACIS: .asab, .asat, .sab, .sat

CATIA v4: .model

CATIA v5: .CATPart, .CATProduct

IGES: .iges, .igs

STEP: .step, .stp
The following export protocols can be specified; AP203, AP214, AP242

VDA-FS: .vd

XCGM: .xcgm

Export (Linux)

3D PDF: .pdf
ACIS: .asab, .asat, .sab, .sat
CATIA v4: .model
IGES: .iges, .igs
STEP: .step, .stp
The following export protocols can be specified; AP203, AP214, AP242 (see fig. 1).
VDA-FS: .vda

Export (Mac)

ACIS: .asab, .asat, .sab, .sat
CATIA v4: .model
IGES: .iges, .igs
STEP: .step, .stp
The following export protocols can be specified; AP203, AP214, AP242 (see fig. 1).
VDA-FS: .vda

Import (Windows)

ACIS: .asab, .asat, .sab, .sat
Autodesk Inventor: .iam, .ipt
CATIA v4: .model
CATIA v5/v6: .CATPart, .CATProduct, .CGR
Creo Elements / Pro Engineer: .asm, .prt
IGES: .iges, .igs
NX: .prt
Parasolid: .xmt_bin, .xmt_txt, .x_b, .x_t
Siemens: .jt
Solid Edge: .asm, .par, .psm
SolidWorks: .sldasm, .sldprt
STEP: .step, .stp, .stpz
VDA-FS: .vda
XCGM: .xcgm

Import (Linux)

CATIA v4: .model
Creo Elements / Pro Engineer: .asm, .prt
IGES: .iges, .igs
Parasolid: .xmt_bin, .xmt_txt, .x_b, .x_t
Siemens: .jt
Solid Edge: .asm, .par, .psm
SolidWorks: .sldasm, .sldprt
STEP: .step, .stp, .stpz
VDA-FS: .vda
XCGM: .xcgm

Import (Mac)

ACIS: .asab, .asat, .sab, .sat

CATIA v4: .model

Creo Elements / Pro Engineer: .asm, .prt

IGES: .iges, .igs

Parasolid: .xmt_bin, .xmt_txt, .x_b, .x_t

STEP: .step, .stp, .stpz

VDA-FS: .vda

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Please see youtube video for download instruction by open *.txt file and copy youtube video link paste to your browser If you don’t know how to download.
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