Download CADprofi 2020.02 build 191122 Multilanguage x86 x64 full

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CADprofi 2020 full license forever
Working with CADprofi 2020.02 full license
Working with CADprofi 2020.02 full license

Description: CADprofi software that plug into a powerful, feature rich and the famous CAD software adds. The program helps users to project architectural, mechanical and electrical installations, plumbing and easily design. CADprofi consists of four modules Mechanical, Architectural, HVAC & Piping and Electrical is a small fee users a wide range of features, commands and libraries enter your desired powerful CAD environment.
The software includes a wide range of applications and standard symbols in the fields of mechanical, architectural, plumbing and electrical installations. The symbols in the form of dozens of different libraries to provide users with the possibility of inserting and defining their attributes automatically only part of the benefits of this program. In addition, users CADprofi a range of libraries, manufacturers raised the boards, electrical, protection systems, lighting, appliances and equipment, pipes / pumps / reservoirs … or parts of plants plumbing and hold the can in your projects and the its advantages benefit.
It has tens of thousands of users around the world, and this could be the reason for the manufacturer because of the sensitivity of the program’s compatibility with other CAD software is high. The company continuously increase the consistency of this program with CAD products so that now more CADprofi of software including AutoCAD, ARES Commander, BricsCAD GstarCAD, progeCAD, ZWCAD, IntelliCAD and many other applications support.
Plans drawn in the program is fully compatible with DWG and DXF formats and easily in other CAD programs without attachment will be editable. Finally, this program due to its international goals than most languages, including Unicode-based languages ​​like English, Bulgarian, Chinese, Korean, French, Russian, Romanian, Spanish and so on. Support that is easily customizable application settings.
Software list in this category
– CADprofi Mechanical
– CADprofi Architectural
– CADprofi HVAC & Piping
– CADprofi Electrical
Software supported:
AutoCAD 2000 or higher (32 / 64bit)
AutoCAD LT 2000 or higher *) (32 / 64bit)
AutoCAD Architecture 2000 or higher
AutoCAD MEP 2008 or higher
AutoCAD Mechanical 2000 or higher
BricsCAD V4.0 or higher
ZWCAD 2008i – 2012
ZWCAD + Professional **)
progeCAD 2008 or higher
CADopia 8 or higher
StarICAD 2008
GstarCAD 2010 or higher
ArCADia IntelliCAD (7.2)
CMS IntelliCAD (7.2)
Arcadia 2009 SE / Arcadia 7
IntelliPlus 8 or higher
JetCAD 2012 or higher
ARES Commander Edition
CADian 2012, 2014
FineELEC 11
Other programs on request
CADprofi System Requirements
CADprofi software is available for:
AutoCAD 2000 – 2017 (32 / 64bit)
AutoCAD LT 2000 – 2017 *) (32 / 64bit)
AutoCAD Architecture 2000 – 2017
AutoCAD MEP 2008 – 2017
AutoCAD Mechanical 2000 – 2017
BricsCAD V4 – V16
ZWCAD 2008i – 2012, ZWCAD + **, ZWCAD Classic
4M CAD V14
progeCAD 2008 – 2016
CADopia 8
StarICAD 2008
GstarCAD 2010 – 2016
ArCADia IntelliCAD 5, 6, 2009 SE, 7.2
CMS IntelliCAD (7.2)
IntelliCAD 5, 6, 7.2
IntelliPlus 8, 2013 – 2014
JetCAD 2012
ARES Commander Edition 2012 – 2016
CADian 2012 – 2014
FineELEC 11
CADMATE 2015 – 2016
AviCAD 2014 – 2016
CorelCAD 2013
Other programs on request
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