Download CSI ETABS Ultimate 18.1.0 x64 full license forever
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Working with CSI ETABS Ultimate 18.1 full license
Description: CSI company (an acronym for Computers and Structures, Inc) is one of the oldest (founded 1975) is a software company whose products are related to the design and analysis of building structures produces. ETABS a revolutionary and innovative software solutions and 40 years old, a full set of integration, analysis and design of the building. Design and construction of facilities schematic maps, analysis and graphical display of complex structures analytical account of the capabilities of the software.
Facilities and software features CSI ETABS :
– Design of building components such as floors, floors, shear walls, steel frames and concrete, composite beams and …
– Perform detailed analysis of linear and nonlinear static and dynamic form
– simulation model designed highly detailed graphics
– Ability to automatically calculate the mass and center of gravity
– Ability to produce and distribute lateral loads and gravity between the columns and beams
– Compatible with BIM (Building Information Modeling and means stands for Building Information Modeling)
– Full integration with other products CSI and AutoCAD Nrmafrar
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