download Geometric GeomCaliper 2.4 SP8 for CATIA V5R22-R26 x64 full crack

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Geometric GeomCaliper 2.4 SP8 for CATIA V5R22-R26 x64 FULL
Geometric GeomCaliper 2.4 SP8 for CATIA V5R22-R26 x64 FULL

GeomCaliper is an innovative tool for measuring and checking wall thickness of CATIA V5 3D models. It is easy to use and can be accessed within a CATIA V5 session, providing immediate feedback to designers during the design process itself. Among other applications, it helps engineers to quickly detect thin areas in plastic molded components that may result into warps, or thick sections in castings that may result in hot spots. Minimal training is required to use the tool and interpret the generated results.
In this new release, available for CATIA V5 R16 and R17, designers will be able to perform sophisticated thickness analysis on 64 bit machines. “GeomCaliper lets user make semi-automatic 3D analysis on the entire model,” said Mario BASILE, PSA PEUGEOT CITROËN. “GeomCaliper input data are exactly the same data that are produced from user, no additional pre processing is needed: GeomCaliper reads directly CATIA V5 files!” He further added, “GeomCaliper integration in PSA environment has been easy and low cost; its interface with CATIA V5 is good and improved at every new release.”
Benefits of GeomCaliperTM
• Quick and easy design checks for manufacturability
• Early analysis and design correction results in improved part quality and downstream cost savings
• Improved design productivity
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