Download Itasca 3DEC DP 5.20.277 x64 full license 100% working

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Working with Itasca 3DEC DP 5.20.277 full
Working with Itasca 3DEC DP 5.20.277 full

Description: 3DEC a three-dimensional numerical modeling for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rocks, water Zyzmyny, support structure and masonry. The software numerical formula based on discrete element method (DEM) for modeling is discontinuum. UDEC version is two-dimensional. Geologic materials as a series of discrete blocks. Discontinuities between blocks as boundary conditions have been treated. Together with large displacement discontinuity and rotate the blocks is allowed. Common structure can be produced directly from geological mapping model. The software also includes a powerful built-in programming language FISH is Itasca. The FISH You can search for users who wish to add custom functionality for the analysis, write a script.
Features and Applications Itasca 3DEC:
Models include the following materials: elasticity, anisotropic, Mohr-Coulomb, Drucker Prager, flexibility bilinear, soft pressure, creep and user-defined
Features may include absorbing boundary and wave modeling dynamic input for the perfect answer.
Extensive, interactive menus based on OpenGL on him fast three-dimensional graphics display
Plots available are: common structure, block structure, displacement, velocity and lines
The tool includes a preprocessor that reads files from AutoCAD and 3DEC to produce polyhedra.
Calculating effective stress using a gradient pore pressure
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