Download LizardTech GeoExpress Unlimited x64 full license
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LizardTech GeoExpress Unlimited x64 full
Working with LizardTech GeoExpress Unlimited x64
Description: GeoExpress powerful software for managing digital photos, display, extract and compress files bitmap / pixel is large. The software algorithms are proprietary large raster files without compromising the quality of the compression. You easily raster files such as aerial maps, satellite, etc.
The manufacturer claims the product can be up to 5 times the size of the program to reduce the amount of imported images is impressive. You can use GeoExpress of image formats TIF, GeoTIFF, BIL, ERDAS, JPEG, JPEG 2000, Sun Raster, DOQs,, MrSID and open. Once opened, the images on the basis of information contained in the meta tag format that is displayed. The program is designed graphical interface very simple and similar to other Windows programs can easily communicate with its environment.
Features and GeoExpress:
Saving disk space and memory compression 5x images and maps
Pictures improvement and basic editing, such as cropping, color balance, rotate and …
Compiling mosaics
Automatically adjust color, contrast, gamma for an image or set of images with preview
Ability to crop images and output in different formats
Print the image with all the information contained in it
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