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Programming with NCG CAM 15.0.06
Programming with NCG CAM 15.0.06

Language: Multilingual
Description: The software product NCG CAM is designed specifically for tool production and provides efficient development of control programs for milling details of any complexity, such as, for example, forming dies and molds. The product is an independent CAM application and is intended for use directly in process units and production sites. The processing strategies offered by NCG CAM are based on the company’s rich experience in tool production and ensure the maximum efficiency of the work of technologists in programming the most complex processing. The support of high-speed processing strategies allows to ensure the highest purity of the treated surface, to reduce the wear of the machine, and to increase the service life of the cutting tool. It is meant for application directly in technological divisions and on industrial sites. The processing strategies offered by NCG CAM are based on the company’s rich experience in tool production and ensure the maximum efficiency of the work of technologists in programming the most complex processing. The support of high-speed processing strategies allows to ensure the highest purity of the treated surface, to reduce the wear of the machine, and to increase the service life of the cutting tool.
Key features:
Easy to learn and use
Correct values ​​of the “default” parameters according to the selected types of processing; automatic control and correction of errors of novice users; full visualization of processing processes.
All high-speed processing tools in one package
Replaceable material libraries and processing strategies; optimization of approach / retraction / cut for roughing, semi-finishing and finishing; protection from beats and cuts; support for 5-axis positioning; automatic determination of the location of holes in the 3D model and creation of operations for their processing; built-in Pro / NC GPOST module, providing postprocessor development for all types of control racks.
High quality of used algorithms
Fast and efficient calculation of optimal toolpaths for finishing for objects of complex geometric shape; Reduction of the calculation time of trajectories due to the support of multi-core and multi-threaded CPU architectures; The ability to perform calculations in the background when the user works in parallel with another project.
Minimal wear and tear of tools and equipment
Increase tool life and reduce equipment wear by compensating for vibrations, optimizing feed rates and toolpaths.
Compatible with most modern CAD systems
Simulation of processing both in an independent mode, and in a single integrated environment Creo Parametric; complete associativity of the obtained trajectories with parametric 3D models of different CAD systems.
With this system, it is possible to calculate simultaneously 2 or more tool paths. Most other CAM packages are able to calculate only one tool path at a time, and the software is blocked in the calculation. When using NCG CAM, the user can continue to work and even use operations, the calculation of which has not yet been completed, placing them in the queue until the processor becomes available.
(3 + 2) -coordinate milling processing (5-axis positioning). Automated calculation of effective toolpaths for roughing and semi-finished milling. Special strategies for processing elements of dies and molds: the forming surfaces of matrices and punches; treatment of undercuts,
pockets and signs; Semi-finished processing with maximum material selection. Automatic control and prevention of cuts by a milling cutter and a spindle, calculation of geometrical parameters of mandrels, holders, clamps; replenished library of typical cartridges, mandrels, clips, holders, taking into account the spindle speed, cutting,
feed. Automatic recognition of arrays of holes. Automatic recognition of planar faces of the model and application of special strategies of 2D processing to them. Tool processing at an angle with the control of admissible feed parameters: contouring; layer-by-layer machining along the isolines and / or along the Z-axis. Control of the spiral and radial trajectories of the tool with keeping the tool and the workpiece in constant contact. Effective finishing near the faces of the part and at the boundaries of the processing zones. Local single-pass and multi-pass processing “pencil”. Finishing finishing on all trajectories and all types of contours. Export data in STL (stereolithography) and CDL (export trajectory) formats. Execution control and verification of machining: visualization of tool trajectories and material removal process.
Optimization of trajectories
Optimization of trajectories in the feed rate. Compensation for the heartbeat and vibration of the instrument. Matching toolpaths between different operations and transitions.
Pro / NC-GPOST – the postprocessor generator integrated into the NCG CAM provides in graphical mode the creation of control programs for any variety of CNC racks, has a built-in context sensitive help system and an extended replenishment library of CNC tools and commands. Support for a standard neutral output format for APT data for export to other post-processing systems.
Automation of processes
Automated creation of workshop documentation in XML / HTML formats. Macro programming allows you to quickly recalculate toolpaths by changing the input parameters, repeatedly applying typical processes for processing similar parts. The built-in process manager Process Manager allows you to fully use the capabilities of the multi-threaded architecture of the workstation’s CPU and achieve real multitasking.
Data exchange
Neutral formats: IGES, VDA-fs, STL, RAW, CLD, Parasolid. Direct interfaces: Creo Parametric (the core of GRANITE is integrated into NCG CAM), CATIA v4 and v5, SolidWorks. Associative connection with models Creo Parametric and SolidWorks.
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