Download NUMECA FINE/Acoustics 8.1 x86 x64 full license forever
Link download NUMECA FINE/Acoustics 8.1 win32 win64 full cracked
NUMECA FINE-Acoustics 8.1 full license
Working with NUMECA FINE-Acoustics 8.1 full license
Description: Fine / Acoustics is a software package designed to perform aero-vibro-acoustic modeling. The application provides great opportunities for solving a wide range of aero-acoustic and associated vibro-acoustic problems, starting from simple evaluative calculations at the stage of designing parts and mechanisms, ending with a detailed large-scale analysis of complex systems.
Key features of Fine / Acoustics:
Calculation of aeroacoustics and acoustics for various types of devices: aircraft engines and nacelles, propellers, open rotors of counter-rotation, compressors, turbines, noise of aircraft bodies and wing surfaces, helicopter propellers, wind turbines, ventilation and air conditioning systems, air ducts, automobile mufflers and exhaust pipes, propellers, etc.
Calculation of vibroacoustics for various types of devices: vibrating structures, NVH (Noise-Vibration-Harshness; Noise – Vibration – Stiffness), water pumps, ship structures, sound-absorbing panels, engine noise, acoustic fatigue, etc.
Adaptive meshes built using HEXPRESS / Hybrid. The CAD preparation module implemented in NUMECA and the parallel meshing system generate body conformal grids on arbitrary geometry
Direct import of CFD grids and projection of CFD results onto an acoustic grid
Import of structural grids of solids and import of strength analysis results (for vibro-acoustic problems)
A wide range of acoustic boundary conditions and equivalent acoustic sources
Ease of use of boundary conditions and the flexibility of defining multiple domains
Prediction of broadband noise generated by “isotropic” turbulence based on CFD RANS calculation
FlowNoise (DSNG) is designed to predict the broadband noise produced by isotropic turbulence. Based on CFD RANS calculation
Implementation of various calculation algorithms: the finite element method (FEM) and the boundary element method (BEM)
The frequency response solver (sharing of finite and boundary elements FEM / BEM) is used to model the propagation of sound in the presence of an inhomogeneous stream
The Ffowcs-Williams & Hawkings (FW-H) solver implements an acoustic analogy to simulate noise emitted by a fixed or rotating, solid or permeable surface
Determination of eigenvalues (FEM method) for evaluating eigen acoustic modes, coupled vibro-acoustic modes and sound absorption by a material
Full integration with non-linear harmonic analysis in NUMECA Fine / Turbo
Full parallelization at every stage (MPI) on various types of operating systems
Full visualization of calculation results and export of necessary data
Flexible visualization and processing tools
Graphical representation of spectra or timing diagrams in virtual microphones and nodes)
Averaged estimates to obtain sound power, impedance, intensity, etc. by item groups
Representation in linear frequencies and 1/3 octave bands
A, C weighted sound pressure levels (correction for the sensitivity of the human ear)
3D view of calculated acoustic fields and distributions.
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