Download NUMECA Fine/Marine 8.2 Win64 full license forever

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NUMECA Fine-Marine 8.2 full license

NUMECA Fine-Marine 8.2 full license

Working with NUMECA Fine-Marine 8.2 full license forever

Working with NUMECA Fine-Marine 8.2 full license forever

Description: The FINE / MarineTM program is the world’s first high-level CFD computational software package designed to solve specialized problems of ship hydrodynamics.
To create grids, the complex includes an automatic generator of unstructured hexahedral grids with an explicit resolution of the viscous HEXPRESSTM boundary layer.
FINE / MarineTM implements the RANSE approach based on the ISIS CFD solver developed by ECN and CNRS (Hydromechanics Laboratory, Department of Numerical Hydrodynamics), France.
This approach allows you to:
perform flow modeling in areas with complex geometry (using structured and unstructured meshes);
perform automatic adaptation (grinding / roughening) of the grid in the calculation process based on the results of earlier approximations;
to optimize the hull geometry using evolutionary algorithms;
apply a wide range of turbulence models (Spalart-Allmaras, (Wilcox / Menter), (E) ASM, Rij, DES);
carry out cavitation modeling;
to solve the problems of modeling the motion of one or several absolutely solid or deformable bodies on the free surface of a liquid (motion of marine objects)
CFView is a powerful solution visualization platform that provides a full range of capabilities for displaying qualitative and quantitative characteristics of 2D / 3D calculations.
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