Working with Renga Professional 8.3.15424 full license

Download Renga Professional 8.3.15424 x64 full license

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Description of Renga Professional 8.3.15424

Renga Professional 8.3.15424 is multidisciplinary Building Information Modeling (BIM) software that provides architecture, engineering, and construction professionals with integrated design and advanced tools for architectural design, structural engineering, MEP, and construction. Renga allows architects to create a conceptual prototype of a future building and easily modify it based on the client’s wishes. Complete interior and exterior development of future buildings in 3D allows architects to make correct decisions on space planning, adopting logical structural concepts, designing apartment floor plans and accurately calculating materials for the project. Textures assigned to architectural elements help render future buildings and, if necessary, speed up the process of producing realistic images.
3D visualization allows the adoption of correct structural concepts and appropriate modification of nodes and connections of structural elements. To ensure greater building reliability, models created in Renga have all the necessary data that can be transferred to structural analysis software. Renga easily integrates with structural analysis software, allowing designers to quickly calculate a building model and use the calculation results as a basis for filling and detailing structural elements.
To ensure human life in a building, Renga has efficient tools for designing building MEP systems, including water supply and sewage system, heating, ventilation, electrical networks and weak current. These capabilities significantly improve the workflow for structural analysis and help designers generate information that captures the design intent more efficiently and visually. Renga has many ready-to-use BIM catalogs that allow engineers to design MEP systems quickly and seamlessly. And the STDL scripting language, exclusively implemented in Renga, enables the creation of new categories of engineering equipment.
To solve additional tasks involving third-party software, such as developing a plot map or designing external facility networks, Renga allows professionals to interact using the IFC data exchange format. In addition, the IFC format allows designers to prepare models for expert evaluation and meet client needs. Renga supports many other formats including C3D, DWG/DXF, Stereolithography, OBJ, 3Ds Max, LightWave, COLLADA, FBX and VRML, CSV, RTB, RTS, PDF and OXPS.

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