Siemens Xpedition Enterprise 2409 full activated

Download Siemens Xpedition Enterprise 2409 x64 full license

Link download Siemens Xpedition Enterprise 2409 win64 full activated

Description: Xpedition® 2409 Release
New Improvements and Functions
Xpedition Flow
Xpedition Flow has been improved with a new modern look with a shared user interface for all tools. In addition to the new interface, the release of the Xpedition 2409 has been improved by a number of new features that increase the convenience of using and the efficiency of the product. Details of the following changes can be found in the following presentation:
HyperLynx AMS
HyperLynx AMS (former Xpedition AMS) includes the following updates:
• Xpedition AMS is renamed HyperLynx AMS. The Xpedition AMS simulator is renamed HyperLynx AMS. This name change is made only to better match the simulator to the family of the analysis and verification tools in the Electronic Board Systems division in Siemens ADA. Now in the menu and dialog boxes when installing and using the tool you will see “HyperLynx AMS” instead of “Xpedition AMS”.
• A list of parameters in the dialog box of parameter selection is reorganized. When confsing a reversal-based analysis, the parameter selection dialog box helps you select the parameters to change during the simulation. The chain names in the dialog box of parameter selection are now organized hierarchically by the name of the component.
• Deleted the assigned contacts from the list of contact comparison tools. When choosing a modeling model for the symbol, you need to make sure that the symbol contacts are correctly connected to the model ports. The contact matching tool in the dialog boxes of the master of models and symbols and editing the properties of the model helps in this comparison. In issue 2409, the contact matching tool has been updated, so after selecting the contact of the symbol for comparison, it is no longer displayed in the list of possible contacts for appointment.
• Improved support for Microsoft Excel in the Experiment Manager. The experiment manager helps you identify and evaluate design experiments using a Microsoft Excel interface for HyperLynx AMS. The experiment manager now supports the 64-bit version of Excel.
• Flexible assignment of communication ports in HyperLynx AMS Express. AMS Express is setting up two communication ports to enable simulations on a remote computer. In earlier versions of AMS Express, you could manually determine the first port, but the second port was assigned automatically. With release 2409, you can manually identify both ports by setting for each specific port number.
Cloud access to documentation in issue 2409
The Xpedition 2409 provides an improved method of access to documentation for Siemens Digital Industries Software. The default parameter serves product documentation from the Support Center, providing you with immediate access to the latest release documentation, advanced search for HTML and PDF files and (if you use translated) multilingual search. This parameter also eliminates the need to install product documentation as part of the local software installation.
• Cloud documentation using your Support Center credentation (default)
• Cloud documentation using a proxy server
• Local documentation server for which Internet access is not required

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