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Cradle Suite V14 x64 full crack
Working with Cradle Suite V14 win64 full
Working with Cradle Suite V14 x64 full
Description: A software package for solving hydrodynamics problems with sporadic heat exchange in a setting with an unstructured grid.
The following products are included:
SC/Tetra is general purpose thermo-fluid simulation software using hybrid mesh to represent the surface shape with high accuracy. Its characteristics include sophisticated mesh generation system, high speed computing, low memory consumption, and user-friendly features throughout the operation. You can obtain simulation results in a short time without stress.
scSTREAM is thermo-fluid software has serviced the electronics and architectural industries for thirty years. The ever-evolving software is characterized by its overwhelmingly user-friendly interfaces and high speed processing. HeatDesigner is based on scSTREAM and is specially developed for thermal design of electronics products. HeatDesigner provides physical functions required only for thermal design with its simple interfaces and powerful computing performance.
HeatDesigner is a structured (Cartesian) mesh thermal fluid analysis software specially designed for electronics cooling thermal analysis. It uses core technology from Software Cradle’s scSTREAM general purpose structured mesh thermal-fluid software product.
HeatDesigner’s performance is optimized for applications that do not require precise reproduction of fine geometrical curvature to predict an accurate flow field. However, HeatDesigner is capable of accommodating meshes with over a hundred million elements enabling it to capture fine geometrical details. Like scSTREAM, the major advantages of HeatDesigner are fast calculations times and low memory consumption.
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