Download WaveSix 2.2.2 x64 full license 100% working forever

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Working with WaveSix 2.2.2 full activated

Descriptions: Package for vibroacoustic modeling, widely used in the automotive industry
wave6 provides methods for efficiently and accurately simulating noise and vibration across the entire audible frequency range. We’ve written all of these methods from the ground up. This means that instead of having a collection of disparate solvers that are individually licensed, the methods in wave6 are truly integrated into a single common engine with a single common environment and controlled by a single license. This enables us to combine methods in the same model and efficiently analyze noise and vibration problems in ways that are simply not possible in other software packages.

tatistical Energy Analysis (SEA) is used to describe the vibro-acoustic response of components at mid and high frequencies (typically when each component is large compared with the wavelengths of interest). As part of the development of wave6 we’ve generalized SEA theory in order to be able to accurately model wave propagation through arbitrary cross-sections. This means that you no longer need to approximate your model using the limited libraries of SEA subsystems and junctions available in legacy codes. Instead, you can model the way that noise and vibration are really propagated through your system. The net result is more accurate SEA models without any additional modeling effort. We’ve also modernized the creation of SEA models. You no longer need to spend your time creating and modifying models by manually clicking on geometry. With wave6 you can fully automate your SEA model building process using the full geometry engine, automated workflows and pipelined templates that come as standard functionality. We’ve made SEA more accurate, accessible and easy to use so that it can be more easily integrated into existing design processes.

Boundary Elements are used to describe acoustic wave propagation in bounded or unbounded acoustic spaces at low frequencies (typically when the surfaces that radiate or scatter sound are within 100 acoustic wavelengths of each other). When creating BEM models it is only necessary to mesh the surfaces of an acoustic space (rather than meshing the entire domain). BEM is therefore ideally suited for modeling problems that involve acoustic radiation into unbounded spaces or describing excitation of structure due to complex random acoustic environments. wave6 contains unique functionality for automatically creating large fully coupled acoustic boundary element models from existing geometry including: automated volume extraction, automated surface meshers with BEM specific refinement options and automated creation of non-compatible junctions. In recent benchmarks our clients reported that the wave6 BEM solver was significantly faster than existing methods based on Infinite Elements, PML and Fast Multipole. Furthermore, by combining BEM and SEA in wave6 it is also possible to create advanced models of large acoustic spaces that are ideally suited for accurate and efficient models of windnoise.

Acoustic finite elements are used to describe the response of bounded acoustic spaces at low frequencies (typically when the acoustic space contains less than a few thousand acoustic modes). They’re ideally suited for modeling acoustic spaces that have a large surface area to volume ratio. wave6 contains functionality for creating acoustic finite element models directly (by automatically extracting volumes, creating volume meshes, assigning physical properties and solving for acoustic mode shapes within wave6). It is also possible to import existing volume meshes from third party finite element and CFD codes. The acoustic finite element library in wave6 includes a complete set of linear and quadratic acoustic elements and enables you to easily account for variations in acoustic properties due to temperature and pressure variations computed using CFD (if you’re an existing STAR-CCM+ user the process of importing meshes and data from a thermal analysis is seamless). The process of creating an FE acoustic model can also be automated in pipelined workflows that account for upstream geometry changes.

Structural finite elements are used to describe the vibration of structural components at low frequencies (typically when the component contains less than a few thousand structural modes). wave6 contains functionality for creating structural finite element models directly (by meshing geometry, assigning physical properties, assigning constraints and solving for structural mode shapes within wave6) and also for working with existing external structural finite element models (by importing meshes and structural mode shapes from a variety of third party file formats). We’ve implemented a modern finite element library that includes linear and quadratic beams, shells and solids along with functionality for accurately modeling viscoelastic laminates and composites. wave6 also includes fully integrated finite element meshers for creating linear and quadratic shell and solid meshes quickly and efficiently. The meshers include extensive functionality for controlling mesh refinement and feature preservation and can be included in automated pipelined workflows to account for upstream geometry changes.
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