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List of courses
MasterCAM X5
MasterCAM X4
MasterCAM X3
MasterCAM X2
MasterCAM X
MasterCAM V9
MasterCAM Technical Tips
MasterCAM Certification
StreamingTeacher is a project of MCam NorthWest, Inc, the official reseller of MasterCAM in the USA. The aim of the project is online learning to work with MasterCAM software from V9 to X5 and ART. Lessons and sample files are available only through a paid subscription website – no disks are sent. The lessons are divided into courses, the duration of the subscription for the course is 3 months or 1 year per person.
Streamingteacher® provides subscription based delivery of training materials in the form of streaming video/audio. These materials are referred to as “courseware”. There are various courseware available, each developed by the respective vendor. Each offering of a particular vendor’s courseware is referred to as a “Streamingteacher channel”. Within a channel, you will find a prompt for a login and password, samples of the courseware, a sample of the table of content, and a link to order the courseware. Once a customer has ordered, they will be able to access their subscription from any web browser that meets the minimum requirements
Each courseware is structured as a vendor finds suitable, usually being driven by a “Table Of Contents”, guiding the user through the training, while providing quick access to the various areas which allows the material to be used as reference as well. The TOC or Table Of Contents is only visible to those who subscribe. The TOC is organized by Blocks (logical groups of segments) and Segments which are the individual Streams. Streamingteacher channels can contain Segments which offer additional material (besides the Streams) such as training files referenced by the Stream, PDF’s, etc.
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