Download Schlumberger AquaChem 13 build 21.24.0618.1 full
Link download Schlumberger AquaChem 13 full activated
Working with Schlumberger AquaChem 13 build 21.24.0618.1 full
Description: AquaChem’s analysis tools cover a wide range of functions and calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing water quality data, including unit transformations, charge balances, statistics, and geochemical modeling using PHREEQC. These powerful analytical capabilities are complemented by an extensive selection of commonly used geochemical plots to represent the chemical characteristics of water quality data and a console for R-scripts that offers powerful data science tools.
Feature of Schlumberger AquaChem 13 build 21.24.0618.1
Reliable application which allows you to manage, analyze and report water quality data.
Offers a wide range of advanced tools for water project management, analysis, and groundwater data quality reporting.
Performs simple unit conversion, charge balance, statistics, and sample mixing of more complex functions such as correlation matrices and geothermometer calculations.
Provides a variety of drawing techniques for analyzing water geochemical chemical properties and water quality data.
Covers a wide range of functions and calculations for analyzing, interpreting, and comparing water quality data.
Provides a customizable database which includes both chemical and physical parameters.
Offers more than 25 geochemical plots and graphing techniques including pipe, shuler, scatter, box and whirlpool.
Performs automatic geochemical calculations of water type, total anion and cation, ion equilibrium, TDS, hardness, etc.
Ao allows you to export data directly to MS Excel which includes the spreadsheets or may be reports.
Enables you to perform all the tasks quickly such as data entry into form or tabular viewpoints which save your sufficient time.
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