download SOLIDWORKS SimulationXpress videos training dvd

Learning SOLIDWORKS SimulationXpress by videos from basic to advance

SOLIDWORKS SimulationXpress videos
SOLIDWORKS SimulationXpress videos
SOLIDWORKS SimulationXpress videos training dvd
SOLIDWORKS SimulationXpress videos training dvd

Get introduced to SimulationXpress by learning both the basics of simulation and advanced model preparation steps. This course shows you how to create and run simulations so you can evaluate the function and strength of your models. Learn how to identify which parts of your designs need additional modifications—using stress testing, displacement values, and factor of safety results. See how to apply improvements and reassess the iterations you make to ultimately ensure your works are solid.
Topics include:
Simulation workflows and options
Xpress vs. Simulation vs. Sim pro
Fixtures, loads, materials, and mesh
Running a simulation
Reviewing stress, displacement, and factor of safety
Updating and iterating
Producing reports
Model preparation
Simulating multiple parts
Importing assemblies as parts
Contents (1h10m)
1.Introduction to simulation
2.Simulation basics
3.Advances model preparation
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