Download Learning IBM SPSS Statistics 24 course for engineer

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Learning IBM SPSS Statistics 24 training course

Learning IBM SPSS Statistics 24 training course

training Teaching language: English
Descriptions: SPSS stands for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. SPSS Statistics software is a powerful program for statistical analysis that was provided by SPSS Inc. for about forty years, and since 2009 and the acquisition of this company by IBM, it was first changed to PASW, an abbreviation of Predictive Analytics SoftWare, and finally to IBM SPSS Statistics is provided. The age and high capabilities of this software make it one of the most famous and popular statistical analysis programs in various fields of social sciences, and it helps managers and researchers in correctly predicting the future and, as a result, making accurate decisions in order to solve problems and increase productivity. This software packageis one of the leaders in the field of business data products for statistical data processing. It is a package widely used in social and biological sciences. It has the highest rank in the series of statistical software.
In the Packt Learning IBM SPSS Statistic training course, you will learn about various topics and the basics of working with SPSS statistical analysis software.
Headlines of Learning IBM SPSS Statistic training course:
– Introduction to IBM SPSS statistics
– Summarizing individual variables
– Describing relationships between variables
Learning IBM SPSS Statistics
This video course consists of step-by-step software demonstrations geared to familiarize new users of IBM SPSS Statistics with this software. The first section focuses on what IBM SPSS Statistics is, on what it does, who uses it, and how it is used. The section then introduces new users to the IBM SPSS Statistics user interface so they can become familiar with the windows, menus, and dialog boxes that are part of the software. Finally, the first section discusses the steps to analyze data and some of the typical analyzes users might perform.

The second section focuses on summarizing individual variables. Specifically, this section discusses some of the reasons users need to summarize variables, and which summary statistics are relevant given the type of data you are summarizing. This section also illustrates several procedures, such as the Frequencies and Descriptive procedures, which assist in providing summary statistics, and we will show how to obtain confidence intervals. Finally, the Chart Builder is introduced so that users can create pie charts, simple bar charts, and histograms.

The third and final section of this video course shows users how to perform and interpret the results of basic statistical analyzes and graphical displays. Users will learn when to use different statistical techniques, how to set up different analyses, and how to interpret the results. The third section begins by introducing the idea of ​​inferential statistics and hypothesis testing, and then moves on to discuss independent sample t-tests, crosstabs and chi-square tests, as well as correlations. In addition, visual displays are created so that users can better present their findings by showing error bar charts, bar charts with a mean, clustered bar charts, and scatterplots.
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